A self-contained, microprocessor-based computer system that is typically implemented as a component of a larger electrical or mechanical system is known as an embedded system. An integrated circuit that performs computational tasks is at the heart of the embedded system. Hardware and software are also included, both of which are designed to perform a specific, dedicated function. Depending on the task for which they were designed, embedded systems can be extremely complex or relatively simple. They may consist of a single microcontroller or a group of processors linked by peripherals and networks. They could have no interface or extremely complex GUIs. Programming instructions for embedded systems are stored in read-only memory or flash memory chips.

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What Is the Importance of Embedded System Design?

Today, billions of embedded system devices are used in a variety of industries such as medical and industrial equipment, transportation systems, and military equipment. They can be found in a wide range of consumer products, from digital watches to kitchen appliances and automobiles. Embedded systems are small, fast, and powerful, with very specific use cases in mind. While general purpose systems can perform multiple functions, they can be too expensive for many applications and may fall short of the reliability, low power consumption, small size, and other functional and performance features of embedded systems.

Designers who need dedicated function chips for their projects frequently use Arm’s Cortex-M architecture, as well as Arm’s Flexible Access to accelerate the design process and Arm’s SystemReady compliance certification program to ensure hardware and firmware standards are met.

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